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buying_computers [2021/04/15 10:30] – [Colour coverage, brightness etc] niklasbuying_computers [2024/02/14 12:20] (current) – external edit
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   * Portable (obviously)   * Portable (obviously)
   * All-in-one solution including screen, keyboard etc   * All-in-one solution including screen, keyboard etc
-  * Goon when there is an unreliable electricity supply+  * Works when there is an unreliable electricity supply
 ===== Common considerations for desktop and laptop ===== ===== Common considerations for desktop and laptop =====
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 If planning to use a laptop screen outside or inside with direct sunlight, you want the screen to manage a high level of brightness and contrast ratio. Also, you'd want a matt, rather than glossy finish, as the latter reflects background light. If planning to use a laptop screen outside or inside with direct sunlight, you want the screen to manage a high level of brightness and contrast ratio. Also, you'd want a matt, rather than glossy finish, as the latter reflects background light.
 +All these makes for a lot of variables, but a good review should cover all these aspects, and explain where the screen, whether stand-alone or part of a laptop, falls short.