Table of Contents

Basic security measures

These are relatively simple security measures but they will have a major impact on the ease at which political enemies and criminal elements can disrupt our activities.

Securing a computer or phone

Firstly, it is necessary to secure any computer or phone that is being used to log in:

Web browsers

Secondly, most browsers (including Firefox and Chrome) are notoriously ridden with security holes, many of which are not yet publicly known. Determined attackers could use these to steal your information simply by tricking you to visit a specially crafted website. They can easily produce very legitimate looking emails masquerading as coming from your bank, internet provider, phone company, Facebook, Amazon etc., but where links will send you to such a malicious site.

Secure passwords

Thirdly, use strong passwords: How to secure passwords?

Social engineering

According to Wikipedia, “social engineering is the psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information”. An attacker will try to exploit your reactions to get you to give them information such as personal details or passwords.

Here are some basic techniques to protect against this:

Pay attention to how you react to something. More often than not these attacks will try to elicit an emotional response and then exploit your impulses.